Hello Virtue, wisdom notes blog.

Dear friend, 

Since this is our first time meeting, let me introduce myself. My name is Virtue, and my goal is to not only point you to Christ, but encourage you along the way. As I prepare for the start of a new day, I am reminded of how much the Lord has blessed me, and my family. Not focusing on the monetary, for that fades away, but reflecting on what matters most; my family, my health, and my love. I’m truly grateful to be here, to smell the clean air, and to feel the cool touch of the wind across my face. 

I pray that you too, can appreciate the small things. The fact that you can read this letter says a lot! So tell someone you love them today; call, text, write, it doesn’t matter, just do it. You don’t know how it can touch someone, the very fact that you took the time to follow your heart, and not your head.

Our Heavenly Father, followed His heart, by giving His only son for us! Who died on the cross and shed His innocent blood, that we Might Be Free!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

I pray you’ll come back again, as I simply jot down my thoughts for the world to read. My hope is that those who do read my tidbits, or digests if you will, will be blessed, encouraged, but most of all I pray that you’ll open your heart and allow the Lord to come in, because He loves you just that much.

Love, Virtue

P.S. If this blog has blessed you, please be sure to share it with someone you love. If you just want to say Hi, or have a testimony you wish to share, you can reach out to me, by visiting our Contact Page, by clicking here