level up in him

Let's Grow in God's Word Together

Our goal is to unite believers, in the Kingdom of God, so we can effectively serve others! “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” ~ Galatians 6:10

・Bible Studies・Courses・Podcast・Support ・Prayer・Fellowship・Equipping・


two women laughing outside

We all could use some encouragement. Feel free to join our “drama free” private Telegram group.


woman getting prayer

If you’re in need of prayer, or know someone who is, we welcome you to complete our prayer request form.


Your donations to this ministry are completely optional, but are very appreciated. Thank you in advance!

It's time to dive deeper in God's Word

We live in a world where Confusion, and false doctrine are at an all time high. That's why we believe that all believers should strive to know Gods word

Woman 31 was created to teach the word of God in an easy to understand way, so that all believers grow in the things of Christ! Our job is to Challenge you, in love, to dive deeper in God’s word, and ignite your passion to draw closer to Him. It’s time to wean off milk, and digest the meat, of His Word!


Years of teaching


Live mini courses


Days in ministry


Live prayer calls

Tools To Equip Your Walk

Check out our tools, resources, and more, to help you along your Christian walk. 

Hosted by Latoya Morris

Woman 31 Podcast

The Woman 31 Podcast was created for Equipping believers in the Kingdom of God, by encouraging them to build a deeper relationship with Christ, while at the same time challenging believers to examine their walk with Christ.

・Love・Joy・Peace・Patience ・Kindness・Goodness・Faithfulness・Gentleness・Self-Control

women leading sheep

EP. 010

Leadership in the Body of Christ! [Finale]

woman head down sad

EP. 023

Overcoming Envy with Biblical Wisdom

track runner about to run a race

EP. 012

Spiritual Disciplines

woman 31 podcast cover

Hello Virtue

Read Our Diary

Come and follow the life of a woman of god named "Virtue", we pray this encourages you.

“Hello Virtue” is a devotional type blog about a fictional character, “Virtue”, who shares her point of view as a Proverbs 31 Christian woman. Our goal is to encourage women to draw closer to the Heavenly Father, by sharing practical tidbits, and scripture to remind us to focus our attention on Christ. 

african american woman reading a book

Hello, I'm Virtue

The Beauty of Silence

Visit Our Full Blog Page

Our Mission

Equipping Believers for the Work of Ministry

According to Ephesians 4:11-13 Woman 31 was created, “for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…” Walking in the fullness of Christ!

caucasian woman phone texting on phone

We'd Love to Hear From You

Whether you’re in need of prayer, would like to send Virtue a note, or would like to know more about the Woman 31 Podcast, we’d love to hear from you.